So, I made a house recently. Does it look good? Please let me know! Feedback is much appreciated!
Sorry if it’s a little blurry.
try to change color more darker
It looks good, level of detail is just right and your colours make a nice low-poly medieval colour palate. My only suggestion is possibly go a bit dimmer on your windows they take over the eye when looking at the build but otherwise, keep building the same way and you will surely be on a good path!
Ok! The Feedback Is Good, I’ll Change It.
I personally feel like your build is more towards the realistic theme than to the Low-poly theme. Try making your materials soft-plastic to give that low-poly, Cartoony styled look if you get me. Or you could tell me what you were looking for achieving with this. Great work nevertheless!! Keep it up!
Thanks! Will do, Feedback Really Helps.
Love this! I like how its small and looks good. This is a great job! The detail put in is not too realistic and feels right. The colours are great. The only suggestions I would add is the wood that outlines looks a little green to me (sorry if im being silly) I personally would change that and the brightness of the windows. Overall, this is a great build!
You can also get a nicer dimmed window then just changing the transparency by putting another bit of transparent material infront of it.
OK, Yes sir i will work on that. Just For Detail!
If this is your first attempt it looks decent it has that medieval style if that’s what your trying to achieve I think it looks great.
However, there are some minor things that you may want to take into consideration. From what I can see the door could use some improvements I feel like you should decrease the size of the (door hinges) as they look very large looking there normally small and not to noticeable consider tweaking that a bit dot you mind taking a pictures of the roof? Medieval houses have a few items on the building itself such as wall lights.
I feel like you should remove the bricks on the chimney they look unappealing however if it matches the style your going for then I recommend making them smaller. It’s a good build though nicely done.
Really cool design, kinda reminds me of medievel low poly based games.