Hello! I am working on a personal ruins like map and I would like some of your inputs before I move forward with it. Thank you!
Really love the design and the lighting you currently have the build set up with it. One recommendation I would have with the building itself possibly has rocks/pieces of the temple sitting on the ledges, to make it look like it was built from multiple pieces.
For example in this photo, you can see it’s not all organized and structured due to it being an old temple, it has pieces that are chipped off and laying around all over the place. Other than love the build so far!
This is amazing! I love the way you designed it and colored it. I just have one thing you can possibly add if you want but maybe you just add stairs all the way around it besides just the main stairway. Have a nice day!
The building itself looks amazing and the simplicity is very aesthetic for a temple.
Something that might need to be fixed is the vines on the temple. Adding flora to the temple is a good idea, but you should add a lot of vines and leaves that compliments the temple. The vines seem out of place, and some aren’t growing from anything as well.
I think something to make this better is to make a decal(or a 3D model) of leaves and scatter those all over the temple, as well as making more vines to go around the temple and connect to the grass so it’s growing from something.
Other then that, good work!
In general I think it is a very clean and good build, but with some texture, vines and some rocks/ pebbles would make a huge different. If anything greenery is the way to go for a temple. Keep up the good work :D.
Thank you so much! I will consider that.
Yeah I am planning to add a lot more. The decals sound like a good idea. Thanks!
I know you’ve already heard this from others, but the main things you should be focusing on are the variety of the plants, and increasing the amount. You can make a huge difference by making different vines (I know you didn’t do this here, but it’s just something to keep in mind), and adding small things like flowers or other plant life to them will make it stand out. You should also increase the number of plant assets, on the temple itself and the surrounding ruins.
For the vines, meshes are a good way to go for low-poly builds - decals won’t always work well with low-poly assets, unless they have a very simplistic design.