[Feedback] Low Poly Town Buildings

Hey there, was just wanting some feedback regarding these low poly town buildings I’ve created with Blender for fun. I’m looking for constructive criticism, no hard feelings. Thanks in advance.

Town Hall



I absolutely love the style of these types of creations, it is very nicely done, very smooth and appealing to the eye, theres practically nothing that you could improve on


They look great, but the only thing that bugs me and doesn’t look right are the doors on the first build, you should definitely change the door colors, as lime green doesn’t go well with the current color pattern on the first build. Other than that there’s really nothing to improve on in these builds, they just overall look amazing and very eye pleasing.


Reminds me of the good ol’ days of toontown and that style of building. Fantastic job, you nailed the buildings.


Nothing much to say in my opinion as @21stPsalm said the door colour doesn’t really fit with the bank but overall I love it reminds me of Epic Mickey(Yeah that is real)

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Fantastic some of the best Low-Poly blender work I’ve seen in a very long time! FANTASTIC! 10/10 on both builds. One thing I would change, and this isn’t even that big of a deal, is the color of the first building. Other then that keep up the amazing work!


I love the design and details that you’ve put into them. Great work! Keep it up.


Nice work, I love the design. Maybe try playing with colors of the Town Hall a little bit.


Hey Developer!

Wow, really cartoony, stylish, unique and nice colors. For the purple one you can either use a lighte blue maybe though, or a darker purple.

Good job!


Hi there!

I have really no words… it’s perfect. I love how it’s so smooth and all the colours match up really well. Good work on it! :smiley:

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