Feedback LowPoly Island House

Hi. This time I decided to build a lowpoly house or Cartoon with effects and some things made with Blender. I want you to give me an opinion on what I should do and the things I should modify. I would appreciate it.



Looks amazing although I do feel like the house is out of place and it needs some more colour or pop! to it. Almost make it stand out a lot more.


it took me a while to decide on the color but thanks to your clarification I will give more life to the colors :slight_smile:

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since you’re going for a low-poly look, as suggested go for a lighter brown and beige for colour and maybe make the skybox a more brighter look if you can :wink:

it’s good though


Thanks, I appreciate it and I will have it in mind to improve this project.

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I think this build is good, the island itself and trees are good but the house isn’t much detailed (such as the walls) maybe try and add some variety in coloring in some way to give off more of a detailed look maybe. Overall I really like it


In its view, this small piece is pretty good.

The only problem I can see with it is that it feels like the wooden material does not fit very well with the build style you’re trying to accomplish it looks a little undetailed and kinda out of place. I recommend changing the material and possibly add some depth to the roof as by looking at it, it’s a bit flat looking which would suit a build like this, but the overall Structure mainly focused on the (material) seems to be ruining the design.

It feels like a cabin sort of house but it’s to plain compared to the large amount of objects that could be placed on it. Anyway, I will just assume these will be fixed and taken into consideration when finishing it.


Awesome awesome build dude. I really like the structure of the whole thing. If there was one thing I would change it would be to add a bit more colour, I think that would really really bring it to life.

If I could make another suggestion, it would be to maybe add a window or two on the left of the entrance similar to the window near the door on the balcony. Very epic work!


Thanks I will have it in mind to improve it even more.


Awesome build! I really like the meshes and the overall design of this. I think you can select a better color, that one doesn’t look that good with the style you’re going with. Also, I feel like it needs a window near the door, it would add a nice touch! You can add more detail in the roof too, and maybe add a chimney. Apart from that, it looks really good. Keep up the good work!


I recommend choosing colors that make it pop as well as changing the material. Normally these type of builds use smooth plastic rather than actual materials. It looks good, but the wood makes it seem out of place.


Actually, low poly is when well, there is a low amount of polys.

It doesn’t neccessarily mean its cartoony which is what you’re thinking of. I think it looks pretty good for its current asthetics though.


yes I was confused but also thanks.

I like the small attention to detail that was given to the house. There’s a dock, with a ladder and a guy, two rocks in the background, and man the water looks amazing.
As most people say, the material, color, and structure looks a bit out of place. Try doing something about it, maybe.