(Feedback) Menu UI

Do you like my UI design? Here is the image:

This is my first time making one

Its a bit blurred in the image

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The colors look great! The quality of the texts doesn’t seem right though. Nonetheless, nice work as your first try.

I think you could change Settings and More to icons it would be a little easier to navigate[e.g A Plus sign]
The “Menu” could be a little smaller and put above like this…

Also, I think that about and help are too small compared to settings. If you need help it should be easier to find compared to settings but these are just my thoughts

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It would look better if the text is all the same size. And the small text is too small and hard to read on “settings” on “about” and “help” I can’t read it at all, the absence of it on more also looks a bit strange. I would think all of these buttons should be self explanatory and shouldn’t need explanations.