So something I noticed was first the lounge chairs. They all have arm rests only on their left side, which was intentional, but it made them look lopsided, so maybe make them symmetrical. The next thing I noticed was how in almost every room there are shadows from the lights, which don’t make sense as the lights are not supposed to have shadows. The fix is easy; just set shadows to off on every light. After that, I thought the vending machine looked clunky and the interior of it look like 2 separate shelves of chips. Maybe add little tabs at the front of each bag that say price or something and make the 2 shelves look connected. Maybe make the shelves also look black/dark gray.
Also, one more thing. The build looks more like a luxury apartment rather than an office, because there are no cubicles or office looking things that you’d expect in the build. The next time you work on it, I think it would make sense to either expand the build to include those things or to replace one of the rooms to an office worker room, I guess.