[Feedback] Museum Building Front

I currently only have the front of the building complete, just wondering what I could improve/work on?


Looks good so far. But, to me the windows don’t look like they fit in too well. It may be because the building’s walls are made of brick and the window frame isn’t.


To be honest, there is no window frame yet… The edges/outline is made of brick but maybe adding a Window Frame will make the windows better…

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Sorry, I meant the bars going across the glass of the window. Don’t know the proper word for it.

Ah! I see, ye its not “Brick” it is “Smooth-Plastic” but ye might looker better if I make a frame, and match it with the frame.

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Looks really good so far, keep up the good work!

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There’s only two things that I would improve on/ change. Firstly the two wedges on the roof of the security booth do not cover the entire roof, it looks rather odd and unfinished. I recommend scaling them so that they cover the entire roof. Lastly it seems like your gate/fence surrounding the museum is rather large compared to the security booth. I personally don’t like how it looks compared to the builds around it. I would make the fence shorter. Apart from that it looks great.

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Thank you for your suggestion! I will gladly take that into consideration…

The Booth was made like that on purpose but after hearing what you stated, I now see it, and I fixed it and it looks so much better now.

With the Fence, I made the Security Booth taller to match the size of the Fence.

Looks good, would be great if you could build the fences and not use decals

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Thinking about it, that would make this realistic build better… Thank you!

I feel like the windows should have window frames. Good job.

Thank you, Window frames were added - and yes it looks a lot better with them ;D

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