Just wanted to share some of my creations and ask how can i improve them?
the tree and also the skyscraper are looking stunning to me like a bee stung me at my elbow.
the tree is the perfect shape for low poly"tree" and the skyscraper you have working on is also in a good way. not only its looks spectacular but also it looks awesome at the same time and the light reflection at the main entrance of the skyscraper is looking good as well. each floor in the skyscraper are very good and the logo of it is really an eye-catching for other users because of the color full logo. the top of the skyscraper was a really good as well because of a little touch of the radio signal.
so I hope you keep it up with the low poly theme and I always will see you next time…
Looks pretty flawless to me (Not too sure if the lines on the tree’s leaves are due to distortion or because of sharp corners/lines) and I don’t see any ways which you can improve on it. Looks great too. Good job!
The skyscraper looks great in my opinion. The glass door on the front fits perfectly with the low poly style. The futuristic shapes of the skyscraper are really nice so kudos for that.
The tree also looks great but might need some improvements. The trunk is not that low poly but it still looks great. There are too many strange edges that create “white lines” and sharp corners on the leaves. Its like I could cut myself on the leaves of the tree, but keep it up!
Looks very good overall! Nice job.
The tree’s outlines are very… noticeable? It looks like it was made in studio. This is your first? It’s pretty sick not much else for correction
Well designed! I think the tree could possibly use more improvements did you create it with parts or blender? As for my feedback I’ll suggest you to change the scale of the leaves and the form of it in general, so each leaf looks unique and not as identical as all the other ones, create rotating, sizing them different ways at the moment it looks very basic consider checking out to see what I mean about the leaves it might improve the design of it.
The skyscraper has a very nice design, I like the color scheme you placed on it making it look decent the double doors look very unappealing, try not to make the doors like square like try to make it have a more welcoming feel to it, I would remove the shrines on the door you could place a door and a door frame that isn’t the same exact color as the building it kind of blends in with it.
Maybe a small suggestion could be an overhang roof in the front Something in this image below could give you an idea of what I’m talking about if it’s needed. It’s a good creation.
I like those builds a lot. The tree is well made but I can see the wedge outlines and it seems to be poking out, maybe try to fix that? but overall I really like both. One thing I will say is that on the skyscraper that lowpoly usually means every thing is made out of polygons and nothing circular.
BUT. I really do enjoy these creations, nice!
It could be just the picture but i think the triangles seem to have choppy connections and if you arent using blender i recommend you try it its great for low poly or realistic builds. But otherwise you did a great job at the build.
I like the skyscraper. I would fix the roof because the glass is clipping into the building and you can see it. Push the glass down and make it so you can’t see the lines
I really like the concept of your tree but those lines that come out take away from it. I would use a plugin to fix that.
But good job with the build keep on improving
These are very nice - were they done in blender?
Thank you comments like yours motive me to keep building.
Thats because everything was made on roblox, my pc is so bad that i cant use blender.
Thank you and for the wedge outlines i dont know how to fix them i use Atrazine’s Terrain Plugin V2 because i cant use blender
Thank you but i cant use blender my pc is so bad lol
Thank you and also what plugin can i use to fix those lines on the tree?
Thanks i will try to use your suggestions and also i created it whit parts, i cant use blender.
Very stunning and great build! That’s perfect for a obby/simulator. Keep up with the good work!
They look really nice, maybe fix the front door of the skyscraper because real glass doesn’t really have white lines like that, other than that really nice and I really like the low poly style of your tree