[Feedback] My first tank on ROBLOX Studio!

It looks awesome! I like the details on the wheels.

Saw this a couple of months ago, finally got promoted so I can finally talk about it.

Basically everything what Bloximus said needs to be fixed. The whole turret needs a redo and the hull needs to have it’s proportions fixed. The tracks look a little too thin, the armored section housing the transmission at the front is too large, the gun needs to be a smaller diameter, the rear section of the tank should not be curved, also the skirt should cover the tracks a bit. Here are some images for reference, while you can find blueprints for the M4A2 I am not sure if you are able to upload them into Roblox as a background image to help with modeling. If you are looking to serious modeling for vehicles, I recommend you install the game War Thunder (if you havent heard of it already it has a lot of vehicles which you can use as reference) and use that to help with verifying the stuff you model is as accurate as it can be.