Diamonds and cobalt spawn near -500 to -1500 and are the toughest metals as of right now. Everything in your inventory will save, and so do upgrades on items. I am looking for feedback on my game, or ideas to implement.
block placing is now 100% accurate
fixed ores not technically existing
updatesd anticheat
modeled some ores
fixed character bugs
you can’t place blocks inside of you
view your moderation logs/ automatic kicks
coal can spawn lower now
10:00 PM
added cobalt pickaxe
removed light upgrade functionality and made the default light angle higher
added control tips
also if you get kicked for code 7 then that’s a bug
Hey there I just tested the game. Very cool game! I really liked that you could see the progress bar on how much you have mined the block. I also liked the particle effects you created when you destroy a block.
Some suggestions:
Have maybe somewhere on the screen that tells what keys do what. I didn’t know how to open my inventory or which key to press.
This is a personal one, but it just seemed to too dark with the flash light pointing in one small area. Maybe increase the surface area on that?