Feedback Needed, AGAIN, on Animation Test

Hello, fellow Feedbackers! Is that a word?

I’m back for more feedback on my animation, and don’t worry, I have improved a bit, I guess. Last time I forgot to edit Keyframes on my last post, this time I made it more good.

For those who don’t know whats going on, I’m looking for feedback on my animation made by Moon Animator, a plug in by xSIXx, which you can check out here.

Anyway, here it is:

Things I noticed:

  • Little sound effects, I get my FX from Zapsplat which didn’t work for me right now, so, I just used only a few.

Give feedback, don’t be shy, just remember to be helpful and expand why.

Thanks! :clapper:

Edit: Wow, you guys really like this, thanks for the feedback! I posted this on my youtube just to save it and share it, where you can see here.

Thank you all!


This animation looks decent! however, the thing that came flying out of no where and made that guy into a red brick shouldn’t be going in a perfectly straight line, but from besides that it looks pretty decent! 7/10.

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Good, but the body of the dude who get hit should fall backwards, and not forwards.

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Dang, I should think more about planing impact and stuff, thanks for the feedback!

Ah, alright, I should adjust the speed a bit to make things more realistic, I planned to go super fast and into his face, thanks for the critique! :v:

Loool! Really smooth and funny

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Better than any animation I ever made that is for sure

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I love it! The animation is great. And the comedy is a 10/10 :smile:


Agreed! I love the animation! :joy: