I’ve been continuing to work on my SCP Genre project. As me and my team value originality and are aiming to achieve it, a containment hub for the Safe Object Class SCPs was decided to be designed in a similar way to CONTROL’s Panopticon.
As I have finished building the said facility area, feedback from ROBLOX would be something I’d like to receive. Criticism would be welcome although keep in mind that the game is supposed to be filled with action, which is why we keep the part count limited to 30 thousands per each facility area.

Buildings themselves:
P. S. Future used for showcase purposes only - I always use it to set up lighting in order to make the object lighting compatible with all the Lighting types.
Part count of this whole facility area without architecture optimization is remaining at 35 thousands (including containment chambers which are not present within the post).
Meshes have been used in order to optimize complex structural aspects, such as piping, ceiling decorations and other props.
Thank you.
Incredible. This looks absolutely amazing
Meshes will definitely help with this. This facility reminds me of the much over-used ARC-32 that got released a while back.
The architecture of the facility itself is very well done. I prefer functionality over showmanship, but it’s super well done regardless.
We went in a completely different style from what ARC-32 was, although I understand that the amount of concrete used in this specific facility area might remind you of that game.
I do not quite agree with the functional statement, though. For the game to be enjoyable, both the design and functionality matter. Having functionality without design would not attract people to play your games as the first impression made is made by the game design.
Bruh it looks like it’s an actual SCP game…
That’s pretty cool! Nice job.
It is an actual SCP game - on ROBLOX, of course.
Thank you for the feedback. I am glad that you like it.
This might be late. However, I’m a less experienced builder that has attempted to build several things like this, but eventually, I’ve quit every single time due to a lack of inspiration/references/or actual map design. Do you just build on the fly, or do you have a map drawn out? If so, how do you make one? I love the architecture here also. Where do you get meshes? Do you use blender or do you find them somewhere? Anyways, I hope this gets out to you or someone else with guidance.
I am a person that dislikes strict plans, as such I prefer to do a rough draft of a specific area I want to make or am using no drafts at all, depending on whether I have a clear vision of what I want or not. Somtimes I gather up some concepts. Nonetheless, I usually understand what I want to receive as a final product and, as such, I experience no trouble building something based on the reference, although if I need to make something that is intended to be new, I try to gather my ideas in one place in order not to forget the original concept.
This specific showcase has complex beams (ones you can see on the attached image) taken from the toolbox section, the rest of the meshes were created via. blender.
However, making such assets is extremely easy, there are a few hard surface modeling tutorials available on YouTube. They are extremely helpful for the beginners (at least these tutorials were something that gave me the basic knowledge of how blender works).
Alright, thanks for the help. Reference images definitely look like they’d help. Good luck with future development!