Feedback needed for a shop GUI

Hey developers! :wave:

I needed to make a funding hub/shop for some perk roles for an upcoming game I am making, so I decided to make an experience just for that. I am looking for some feedback, since I am not the best at GUI. Any tips/feedback very appreciated!

Had to blur some stuff out because the community is not released yet.

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change the font, give the background more detail. Make this banner on the bottom smaller. Hmmm, give some borders, make the stroke more unique-looking, maybe change the Purchase to the robux icon.

Make them into labelled categories, make the Star and Premium larger than donate to get the attention from players, give the star and premium details such as: what it does or what it contains…
Conclusion: theres no other way to put it but, it needs an overhaul

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll try and apply all the changes you suggested ASAP, and hopefully the end result is as good as it sounds! :+1: