Just whatever you think is good or needs improvement for this character model, put it down below.
The head looks very weird, try changing the shape
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That looks more realistic, also, he looks a little skinny and his eyes seem too big, but if you are trying to go on a more cartoon stroke then the eyes are fine
Its arms are very long… i recckmend making them smaller
Not sure about what art style you’re trying to achieve, but with the current model i’d say try to keep the cartoony eyes consistent with a more cartoony art style.
Reduce the realism in the arms by smoothening the ridges that separate the upper arm from the lower arm, so they are less prominent.
The hands too, do seem a bit out of pocket, so a bit more cartoon-ifying should be good. Otherwise I think I see what you’re trying to achieve, and you are doing an amazing job!
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