Feedback needed for my new game im working on


feels pretty empty. Not sure what to add.


Some trees, terrain elevation, rocks, and smaller buildings could look nice. :slight_smile:


thank you for the feedback, i appreciate it.

I just cant do terrain, im going for a retro style.

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Looking at the map, I’m assuming this is a tower defence game, but it may still help to give some information on what the game is actually about. That aside, I’d suggest making it more difficult to see straight into the void so the map doesn’t feel as lonely; that could mean adding a wall around the edges or an infinite ocean beyond the map boundaries.

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Actually, It’s a game where you fight hackers, which overloads ur servers. But this is good feedback nonethless.

Try using ‘Universal’ surface type as some of your blocks, that might help.

I’m not sure what to say other then that since you’re going for a retro style.

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Okay. I will try to use Universal surface type

I think you should resign the WHOLE game, and go for a Flee the Facility aesthetic?

Why do you think I should do that?

added trees but im.unable to screenshot them rn, next up rocks and grass.

Well I mean it kinda feels like you run-of-the-mill tower defense simulator, regardless if that’s not your goal, plus if you did so, and you don’t just want them walking to your ‘server’, you want the player engaged somehow stopping it, by maybe ‘coding’ a security breach system, or something like that.

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i guess ill change the map.

If it’s a Tower Defense game, it really depends, could you include some more information on what you want the scenery to be for (retro) style? Retro is very vast so narrow it down, please!

Its not a tower defense game. Its a game where you work for a company with high wages, and the bad news is the hackers have came to overload(DDOS) your servers, so you need to get rid of them to save your servers, there are gonna be waves, and you have weapons to kill them, if your servers are successfully overloaded, you lose.

also im changing the map to not be retro.

no offense, but the map sucks.

First, why are you using the studs? The studs make it look unappealing. The font, is decent, but I would recommend GothamSemibold. Also you should add some stuff to the map. Maybe some trees, some terrain. The map shouldn’t be flat. Also you should add some watch towers.

I would also recommend changing the lighting. Add a color correction effect into Lighting and setting the Brightness to 0.1, Contrast to 0.1, and Saturation to 0.2. That’ll make the map pop a bit more

i suck at building so this feedback is helpful.