Feedback needed for my Upcoming Game about Bombs

Feedback needed for my Upcoming Game about Bombs :bomb:

I’m KingMDIZZE and I need help deciding whether I should continue working on my game or not.

About the game


First things first, let’s start with the concept/ main idea of the game.

Players are placed into a round and must try to survive as long as possible. However, each player will be given a bomb which they can ignite, throw and drop.
The players need to kill as many other players as possible & they can purchase different types of bombs (e.g. bigger blast radius but less damage) in a shop for in-game currency.
The game would also include different cosmetics, emotes and more.

Here are a few screenshots of what I have already done

A custom tool system

Explosion VFX (link:

Should I continue to work on it?

  • Yeah!
  • Nope…

0 voters

Any kind of constructive criticism or feedback is welcome!

This is my first topic ever, so I hope this turns out somewhat alright :wink:

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