Feedback needed on a grapple-hook type game!

:eyes:PLEASE READ :eyes:
I have recently made a game, and with the help of my friend we have finally got the game out! The main idea of the game is to swing from different objects, to others and eventually win the race! The game is fast paced and mostly looks like the game was made it unity. The game is a lot of fun and can be tested with multiple users, but also can be played solo. :grinning:

Game link: Grapple Race! (ALPHA) - Roblox


I feel like there should be a free play / practise part for players to get the hang of this mechanic, since itโ€™s new for most on roblox and also pretty fun

Also, is there any difference between this and barjiโ€™s game? -lol

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Who are you talking about, I have searched and have found nothing like it.

Oh, the games are still diffrent.

put this in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback if you want feedback