Feedback Needed On House Build

please disregard this! thank you.

It looks unnatural. No foundations, on wooden blocks. It just looks weird. I’d consider moving this onto land, or adding more detail.

Work more on adding hanging flowers to make it look a little better. Low-Poly is usually one material and made in blender just an FYI. Good luck!

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First off, it seems to be coming together and the shape of it pretty random and basic. As far as criticism goes, I think you should work on experimenting with other textures or colors so the house doesn’t have a simple design at the moment it seems to be an unfinished house I would work on putting more time into it before asking for constructive feedback. Placing other textures could look really effective if used correctly.

Maybe use a reference image to get the design your trying to achieve it could be use as a guide. Lastly, I would think about experimenting with house texture more as, by looking at a few reference image the wall is a more stucco material so experiment with smooth plastic or others and it’s colours and see what suites your liking.

It’s a good start maybe I assume the material are temporary placeholders for now.

I think the whole place is too empty. Since you’re building in a low-poly style, I’d recommend using just the Smooth Plastic material, not add in wood materials on some parts. The whole set looks a bit cramped, I would making the water larger, and rocks placed farther so the build doesn’t look so small. I would recommend adding more vegetation and plants on the build, such as hanging flowers on the house, or vines crawling up the outer rocks. And if you add some rocks in the water, I think you’d be good to go! Good job! :happy2:

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Sorry, if this discourages you or makes you sad.

Try to literally consider moving into a beach, it looks more good than like this. It’s terrible on this. Really terrible. Add more detail to your work. Thanks for hearing my advice. :cat:

The wood planks are too far away from each other and the whole build seems weird to look at… I recommend making it on some grass or beach, and if you want a low-poly style try making it smooth plastic.

I’m not too sure why there are wooden planks but I think you could make it a beach house. You can reference off some beach house images. Maybe add a pool in front of the house. And maybe a big umbrella and some chairs under it like the photo below:

Good luck with your build.

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What do you think I should do to add more detail?

It’s your imagination. I’m not you! This is roblox, create anything you want!