Feedback needed on lighting for realistic environment!

Hello everyone! I’d like to present some building practice that I’ve created. I wanted to create a rainy environment with a moist and damp look to it. I was hoping to garner some feedback on it!
None of the assets are mine and they all came from a toolbox pack that I found. Challenged myself to create something visually stunning using free assets, I think it turned out quite alright!


All constructive feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:


It looks really good! Honestly, I can’t really think of much that you could do to make it better. I’d just say maybe try and make the rain more visible, honestly I had to take a deeper look into some of the images to notice the actual rain.

Other than that, it looks awesome!

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Could you please link the toolbox pack I could really use it.

The lighting already seems good enough, as user above said make the rain more visible

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This is great! My only criticism is that the mist looks too bright compared to the environment, how are you creating it?

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I used a particle effect and it’ll slowly rise and vanish!

Thank you! I’ll see about making the rain a bit easier to see. :slight_smile:

Heres the pack that I used:

Its one of my favorites to use when creating realistic terrain environments, I hope you make good use of it!

There seems to be a volumetric lighting in the image you posted, is that included?

Sorry! Forgot to link those lights, here you go.

Thanks, is the smoke just a giant particle emitter?

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Yes, the smoke just comes from a bunch of particle emitters off scene. :slight_smile:

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if you’re having a bit of trouble with the rain there is a extremely easy to use plugin that I use quite often that solves this, I highly recommend checking it out

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Thank you for the resource, I’ll for sure be using this in the future!