Feedback needed on my "Baby Yoda" model!

I am learning modeling and sculpting; my friend recommend that I try to make "Baby Yoda"

Here is my final result:

Please give me criticism, because that is the only way I learn.
I did my best, though as I am still new; worked about 3 hours on this.


try making something easier and work on your proportions instead of making something way out of your skill level

honestly theres really nothing to critique here since even if I’m gonna critique it you’re really not gonna learn a lot from it but if you haven’t already, try learning some fundamentals first before you try sculpting anything close to that (doing it anyway since maybe you want to improve on it in the future)

The wrinkles just look lazy and you put a blob brush over it, I don’t really sculpt but a better way to create wrinkles is probably to start out with a smaller brush and create some of the bumps on it’s head (without any wrinkles, and make it even) and go in with a draw sharp or draw brush and a smooth brush to make it. The ears also don’t really look correct and just look like bat wings, try using more reference for that.




Thanks for the great advice! I really am glad to see you going out of your way and spending enough time to conclude all of this. And by ‘new’ I don’t mean I am a starter, I have experience, just that I still consider myself a starter.

I really wasn’t trying to be that accurate as I just looked up a reference, but anyways the accurate info you gave can help me, I will definitely give it a try.


Work on making it smooth. Looks very lumpy and proportions are not correct.

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Thanks for the advice, I am so happy to see people that are actually spending time on this post and giving feedback; as this is my first post. I am so happy to hear from you, will work on those skills.

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I- Its good modeling but i am scarred.

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I think you will get more direct feedback with a angle shot where we can see the profile. The proportions are too far off… and he has Gizmo ears.

Positives: We know what you were aiming for, which is really hard to do to begin with. Good job! But, he’s a fan favorite, so you need to up your game!

  1. the lips look pursed. Grogu should have an apparent upper bite.
  2. eyes more football shaped, less diamond shape
  3. ears should be longer, and wider (goes down past his cheek). Top of the ears are mostly straight (round is Gizmo).
  4. cheeks smoother and fuller

Summary: put some reference material in there. Scale it up. Make your model see through, line it up and look for the largest discrepancies.

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Being a fan of the Mandalorian series, this is so cool to me!

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Your turn! :wink: I know, you didn’t ask for any critique, but I figure this will help out the topic creator as well.

Positives: great looking Grogu! Those ears look perfect!


  1. Grogu has a smooth upper lip, no divet.
  2. Grogu has an upper bite, the lower lip does not come out as far as the upper lip
  3. I can’t tell if it’s lighting, but either the eyes are too recessed, or the eyebrow ridge extends too far out. It feels like the latter, looking around the nose bridge.

Bonus content: google “early versions of Grogu” to see how difficult a time Disney had in making their cute, genocidal jedi.

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Hey thanks for the comment, but why are you scared?

Thanks so much for these great pieces of feedback!

Hello Developer,

I’d like to credit you for using DevForums as your source for feedback and advice.

Honestly, I wanna agree with @sam_0987654321best’s post right here;

You should really start off simple, since that is how every single developer has started their career on Roblox.

I would also make the eyes a bit wider, but that’s all about it. I have nothing else to really tell you to improve.

Keep on doing whatever you’re doing right now, I wish you the best of luck!


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Thank you so much! :smiley: I am so glad you found this post!

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The way it stares into my soul… The blank eyes, blank expression, no colours, its just spooky.

Amazing on detail! It looks way more like real yoda than baby yoda though.

PS: Don’t scam people please.

Bruh you have no evidence they scammed somebody… Don’t go accusing people of these things.

And just because you’re on an alt account doesn’t mean you’re invincible, @robloxiopyunew2back

AKA Evan :slight_smile:


first of al the the proportions are messed up BADLY. that looks so creepy and nothing like Grogu (his name is grogu).

make it thinner, and the eyes bigger, and make him smile! and the nose smaller. and make the entire thing wider

wait this is old post?

Right now the face looks good, but when you add color, then it will actually look good. Now it looks like a monster. And besides tbh, Grogu has a bit smaller eyes. You really need to improve this a bit. Other than that, its good or okay I guess.

I think that the replies you are receiving here are providing terrible feedback. (except GolgiToad who is providing specific and helpful feedback)

First of all, while I do understand the point @sam_0987654321best is trying to make, their feedback is overall inconclusive. Giving feedback like “you should work on the basics and fundamentals” is not helpful, they are just going to drive you in circles. Regardless of how long you have been practicing, someone may always say “work on your fundamentals”. That won’t help, it’s not specific advice. Also, while learning the fundamentals often is done through educational resources like videos and books, it most likely won’t just stick with you immediately. You still need to practice, and this sculpt right here, it is your practice. If the feedback you get just keeps repeatedly telling you “go back to the fundamentals”, then you are not practicing as much as you are just reversing your own progress. Of course, if you have not already, learn the fundamentals like blocking, combining, remeshing, using brushes, knowing the settings, etc. I’ll provide that advice to you, but I won’t assume that you have not done that already.

By practicing, you find more common mistakes that you make, this will help you find specific areas where you need to improve. Fundamentals are just that, fundamentals. Practicing will help you learn what areas you specifically are struggling with. So, I disagree with @sam_0987654321best when they say that you won’t learn anything from this.

Additionally, I think that this is a good character to sculpt if you are practicing proportions. This character’s proportions do not seem as complicated as the proportions you may find on any other characters. So, I disagree when people here are telling you to “work on your proportions”. Once again, I don’t think this is good advice. You yourself can clearly look at this and realize that the proportions do not match Baby Yoda’s. Someone telling you to “work on your proportions” isn’t helpful advice, it’s just inconclusive advice because they are telling you to do something, but they are not telling you how. I do think that you should improve the proportions, but I think that you should continue doing that with this character.

Also, I disagree with @AlexRider6370, you should not depend on color or texture to make this look accurate. It should look like the character you are trying to make regardless of its texture.

Overall, my advice to you is to continue working on this and improving it. I think that this character has simple proportions and it may help you if you continue trying to get this to look right. I would advise to not to be easygoing on yourself and say something like “this looks good enough” or “this may not look like Baby Yoda but it still looks pretty good” because right now you are in a practicing stage. Your goal doesn’t seem to be just to make a good character, especially not to make one accidentally. It seems like your goal to model a replica of Baby Yoda, and the final result of your attempt will determine how good you are at doing that.

One thing I would say is that I think that you are asking for feedback too early in the process. One can look at your attempt and clearly see that it does not look like Baby Yoda. As an artist, you should learn how to make these observations yourself, you shouldn’t have to ask for feedback this early on in your process. You should be able to analyze your model yourself and observe what doesn’t look right. There really isn’t much specification needed for this point. Look at your reference and see if this looks like it or not. If it doesn’t, try to figure out why it doesn’t look the way you want it to. It might help to use Blender’s annotating tools to draw on your screen to draw some of the proportions.

If you want further feedback, it would help if you provided your process. How did you start this sculpt, and how did you sculpt it? Try to explain your process in detail.

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It is pretty good, however it is extremely lumpy, try to make it smooth.

im scared of it