Hey there.
I’ve been wanting to practice my terrain skills, so I created this small little lake surrounded by trees. I didn’t take much time on it, so I really want to know what I can do to improve this:
(screenshots are weird, so they may look a bit too dark)
Be as harsh and critical as you can, as I’m not too great at terrain.

It looks nice, but there are two problems:
1. There is no/some vegetation.
Add more or make flowers and bushes
2. The lightning is very dark.
I can get lost there very easily. Make it nore light, or better, set time to 6.5.
Hey! I think that this looks really good, especially if you are just learning how to properly use Terrain in Studio, but there is one thing that you could do to majorly improve your build!
- Add some more vegetation (?) or variety and life. I am not entirely sure I have used the right words to describe this, but I mean that you could benefit from some more flowers, weeds, tall grass, different sized trees and stuff like that! Adding some variety, like even a few rocks, could make your build look fuller if it is done right. Not only that, but it also feels super dark and empty, and a great way to light a place up (like an “untouched” forest) could be with fireflies! Not only will you add a kind of light source for the player (if they don’t have their own), but it also adds more life! Overall, your build is great; it just needs some little details that could make it feel more alive.
You’re doing an amazing job so far, and I hope to see some more improvement in the future!