Hi Guys , basically I’m working with my friend on a simulator game called ro clicker (scripted by my alt @RobloxMastersTeam1) and I want to get a feedback on it . Please try it by giving a moment and write some feedbacks , any feedback is appreciated !
Stolen thumbnail, game is overall unplayable.
Can’t buy egg/can’t see egg price.
No progression.
Everyone on the leaderboard has money given by admins, game is not good looking and lots of free models.
Thanks . Eggs are not added yet , so it’s intentional , also the feedback you gave about free models and thumbnail is given by a lot of players and we are gonna remove it . The owner always adds a free model and doesn’t even hire a modeller . I won’t go personal but that’s what I wanna say
Ok , so first of all , I didn’t said anything about what is good and bad in our game , so that would be unfair to write “What he said” , also , the free models problem , is very critical now , so we’re gonna replace all the free models in the Christmas Update . Also , UI is horrible I know because we can’t get a UI designer and we’re bad at it . And the top people on leaderboards , the top 3 , they bought some dev products , rn unavailable , so that’s why they got some clicks. Also , there’s nothing “original”. Say you got an idea to make a hotel tycoon , so there are already a thousands of game , especially Restaurant Tycoon 2 (By Ultraw) . So , just the problem here is who’s gonna “stand out” and obviously the better games would do . Anyways , thanks !
Ok , so as I told earlier , I agree that game thumbnail isn’t original and we’re gonna make one , but what does it mean by “stolen” ? For example , you may have heard or even played Russo’s Tapper Simulator . So there were bunch of clicker games existing , so wouldn’t you say Russo’s game is “stolen” ? Just because he’s famous and has a good game, but with this logic , his game is also stolen but you won’t say right ? So nothing is original nor “stolen” . All the problems in the game you’re seeing is just added by the owner and we’re gonna completely change the game in Christmas game. Anyways , thanks
some free models also have viruses which give backdoors to your game which inevitably arrive at the termination of your game and the owner of it, because exploiters will be able to do anything in your game.
If you want to make a game description, use capitalization and proper spelling.
You won’t see a popular game like Jailbreak have their description “hey guys wlecome to jbilreak plls play and code is releasease”
Also also, clicker games on roblox aren’t… the most entertaining… but that’s not for me to choose. Tho I doubt anyone over the age of 10 will play your game, unless it gets extremely popular which has almost no chance of happening as there are 1000 others games on roblox with the exact same title, thumbnail and description (probably)
My point is that “Clicker” games are too common and not original
In this case, it’s stolen. Don’t get philosophical here, you asked for our opinions and feedback, and I told you how I and probably everyone else feel about the game.
I don’t care about Russo’s tapping whatever, you asked for opinions on your game, and I explained what is wrong with it.
That’s good that you’re going to change everything in the game by Christmas.
Ok , so with this logic , every famous game is “stolen” . In every case , all the games must be “stolen”. So then , don’t just criticize us dude. On Roblox , every other game is “stolen” with this logic . And that wasn’t a feedback for us , it’s just like “criticizing” us. Honestly, I’m quite bored listening and getting criticizing even when I said everything will be changed in the Christmas Update . So it’s my humble request to you and other people that just stop crticizing us . We need some ideas and some feedbacks for improvements in our gameplay. So please stop criticizing. We are gonna add new elements which you won’t see in any clicker game and inspiration is not “stolen” , also , it’s quite better to not criticize me but the owner as he got this idea and I have just scripted , this game isn’t my idea , I scripted what the owner said me , but just stop criticizing, share some new ideas or any bugs or any “real” feedback just like @Earthraphobic2 and @iVlados did.
Yeah , you’re right. Just the problem would be “who will stand out” and obviously better games would do. We are trying our best and can’t stop now working on this. We’ll see what will happen . But anyways , thanks for some extra info that is different from allegations and criticizing like “free models” and “we steal games”. I appreciate !
Hey man, in terms of scripting, the game is 10/10, so if you’re saying you only scripted and did nothing else, then your work is good. You did your work
XD you’re mad and angry that other people and I are revealing the truth about the game. You are calling it “criticizing” WHEN YOU LITERALLY ASKED FOR PEOPLE TO DO SO XD. Are you OK?
And don’t bring up other games, this is only the game that you asked to talk about.
Update the game, and then ask people for opinions. I gave mine, and so did other people.
Ok , so as you’re going mad and rude , so now first of all , I don’t think from now I should even talk to you by saying please because from my side , you don’t literally deserve it , secondly , I’m bored of your crticizing and you don’t have any creative ideas rather than just saying “I stole” even though owner did that . And also , I recommend you to don’t get really mad at DevForum . Just do what is needed to. I literally ignored almost half of your post when I read the word “stolen” xD . This may be truth that we have “stole” but the real truth is we got “inspired”.
I literally don’t care about people like you who don’t write some “real” feedbacks like other people did but they just feel to “criticize” someone who is even not responsible. @Earthraphobic2 , @iVlados , @madepossibleby actually gave some real feedbacks which I needed because they are creative. People are actually revealing “truth” and they never said “we steal” but you’re revealing your madness and rudeness in that post
And I’m OK , actually you got mad when I wrote words like “please” and “humble” in my post. So now I understood you don’t deserve words like these xD
Also , next time , don’t get rude on DevForum