Feedback needed on PvP map

I’m working on a PvP map and I don’t know what to add to the build (I barely have building experience)

Also how should I extend this?


I think one of the things you can do is give yourself a list of questions, use those answers to help build you map. Here is some I have:

  • What kind of pvp is going to happen on this map (Sword fighting, guns, etc.)
  • How big does the map need to be? This relates back to the first point, sword fighting works better with smaller maps while gun fighting needs big maps to move around in.
  • Do you have a theme in mind for the map? Having a theme may help you come up with what kind of structures you need. For example, a spooky map may have a graveyard or a big haunted house.
  • Where will the players spawn? If you know where the players spawn you can build you map so it guides the players to a certain point.

That is a few questions I came up with. I would also recommend listing the details here because people reading do not know what you are going for because the only the detail we have is that it is a pvp map. However, I suggest planning out the shape of the map and continue the border around it. Then fill in the details inside.


Although I love the build but, it is kind-of strange being in floating space. Add more detail and change in order to feel “Alive”. As @StrangeShiner said “Do you have a theme in mind for the map?” . Try to add clouds, bush’s, fog, etc.


Try adding some variety in the trees. Like different sizes, shapes, colours, etc.

I also like to add grass, dirt patches, bushes, flowers and other stuff when building.

Make sure your map also has as little glitches as possible, you don’t want anyone going outside the map!


Add some bushes, maybe a tower where you climb up and scout out the area.

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It looks good, but I believe You should add some structures and more plants. so it can be filled and not look plain.

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Id like to point out that if you look at your favorite maps on any game theyre usually small or just simple. A great example of this is Dust II from csgo its simple and small this is one of the most liked map in that game. Another example of this might be that Arsenal map sandtown it is probably the most liked map and it follows the same concept.

Although small maps are very good depending on the genre if not executed correctly it could result in a bad map.

In conclusion i think we can learn from my examplwa above that our maps should have less walking and more action!

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Add more map borders here as it feels kind of empty, also add different props like small rocks and plants.
Other than that, it looks pretty good for a sword fighting map!

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