Feedback / New Cartoony Styled Palm Trees

Hello, I just recently created some new palm trees with various styles, and I can really use your feedback and suggestions on improvements. Iā€™m really digging this new style. Let me know what you think. :slight_smile:

New Ones

Lowered Leaves

Old One for Comparison

Thanks! :slight_smile:


It looks too round and the leaves look extremely duplicated, maybe try modeling more variants of them?

Maybe round the end out


also either increase the thickness of the first palm trees or add more leaves may oh ya and fix the shading issues near the bottom of the trunk

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Alright, thank you! Yeah, I just duplicated the top and rotated/scaled them down.
Also, what do you mean by shading issue? The shading is mostly just coming from the lighting that I have in this particular roblox game.