Feedback of gfx [STAR WARS]

I made theese gfx in about 4 hours per image. They are not finished, I post here the first version, I’m going to improve them.

  1. 501st Battallion

  2. Intelligence force

Could you leave a feedback or comment?
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Thank you!


They looks amazing good job if I needed a gfx I would hire you good job.


Wow 8 hours and it looks amazing
these lighting is awesome
Good work!!


I really like the second one good job

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The GFX is just incredible… Not much words can describe it.


First picture is a bit off;
Void is seen, left character is floating a bit, and the lightning looks bright on the middle character.
Second picture is very good though! I really like the reflections

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Some of the arms seem a bit stiff in the second one and heads could be placed better but overall really good bro well done! :grinning:

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Yes, thank you. I will modify the first gfx, thank a lot for your advices!

Yeah! Thank you! I will follow your advice and change a few things, especially the position of the rigs in general, thanks again.

why are they floating also add a light saber or something idk

also I don’t think the terrain fits the theme of sci fi tbh (also I would at least remove the glare in the first image)

They are not floating, the terrain has changed during the rendering (and I fixed it anyway). The Light is the glare of the sun reflecting off the metal armor. And star wars has an infinity of planets, many of which have real terrain. And the lightsaber has nothing to do with clones …

They both look good but the first one, the character to the left looks like he’s just floating and not jumping.

It looks amazing, great job on making the GFX!

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So, as I wrote above, during the rendering of the image, the modifier changed its properties, modifying a minimum the appearance of the terrain and thus making a kind of vacuum under the feet of the rig. (anyway I fixed it)

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The second one looks amazing but for the first one poses are a but too stiff and lightining looks weird plus the background has things that do not really convince me. It’s overall very good.

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