Feedback of my first game

This is the first game I’ve pretty much created on Roblox, and I just decided to go small and try to learn some of its features, which got annoying at times but I got there in the end.

Does this game look alright atleast? Playable? Enjoyable?

Anything to improve upon?

Also I realize that the icon and most of the thumbnails havent been reviewed yet, It’s taking a long time so oh well :slight_smile:


The green thumbnail with the game’s title makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, idrky but I would suggest using the other images instead.

This house looks a bit strange as it looks like a mix of a barn, a living room, and the happy home of roblox. (Also, try to prevent Zclipping)

If you’ re gonna have a checkpoint that looks like it could be pressed down, I suggest making it be pressed down when being stepped on (Add an animation or effect or something)

A bit too many wallwraps, might wanna change the order of the levels to make it scale up in a more friendly way.

nice atmosphere, but why does the beam get less wide randomly? also, using something more fitting to the theme then just red lava bricks would be nice

try to keep the width and length consistent

Probably connect that (Also, you only decorated the door to the factory, you might wanna make the sides look less like a box)

Im too lazy to do the factory, but overall, its a nice game


Played your game, and here are some feedback I have about it:

  1. Please make the tips in the main menu more readable, instead of colouring it grey.
  2. Your GUI buttons seems to be unaligned. Perhaps something you might also want to fix.
  3. Try adding a tweening effect for your GUIs, to add a feel to it.
  4. Checkpoint buttons should play an animation when the Player steps on them. (Was slightly disappointed when they didn’t.)
  5. Repeatedly jumping on the water prevents you from dying on Stage 8.
  6. I feel that you should add some sort of storyline, as your obby would seem too generic, or even boring to the Player. Give Players a reason on why they should keep progressing in-game!

Like @PANDASonNOOB , was too lazy to complete the Factory. There are some rooms for improvement, so just keep working hard on these areas!


Thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:

The thumbnail was just there because I stopped using blender so long so I wont really be doing any GFX anytime soon.

I’m also unsure of how to do animations or effects on the checkpoints, hell, making them was bad enough. Theres a bug that makes you spawn in random places when you die too many times and I’ve gave up on watching videos and messing with ai xD. So I think anything to do with animation etc will be a bit rough for me

The beam just gets less wide so it becomes harder ^.^ Can’t make the same excuse for the width thing though you are correct :frowning:

Also, what is zclipping? Is it like when 2 objects collide and the textures become fuzzy or?


Thanks for the feedback

Unlike the loading screen which I did rip from the toolbox but changed it to different colours, I’m unsure on how to fix the gui, as it is my own messy attempt at coding. On desktop its eerily seperate (The buttons on the left) so that it can be somewhat playable on mobile, nothing I can do about the settings menu really with my limited scripting knowledge - though I did try! (Those UI aspect ractio constraints were such a pain that I gave up :stuck_out_tongue:

And yeah, I know that you can just jump about in the water, its not really stage specific. I had my script kill the player whenever the swimming animation played - In hindsight kind of stupid. However, I think it will suffice, you cant really do much in the water, and you certainly cant reach any platforms I made sure of that :+1:

As for a storyline, are you suggesting for example, a guide who eggs the player on, some environmental story telling or something else? (I was planning to make a little story for this but I’ve decided to start my second game first and then I’ll link the two together, hence the ominous bit at the end you havent seen)

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Z clipping is when 2 objects have their surfaces at the exact same location, so the game tries to render both object’s surfaces and ends up with this mess of a random surface made up of parts of each surface. It can be fixed by making one of the objects less long/tall/wide


Ah and I’m guessing your reffering to the checkpoint pads?

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no, im referring to the grounds and the walls

ill take a photo to show u

If you look closeley, you can see the ground seems to be “striped”. This is caused by all of the surfaces being at the same location. You could fix this in many ways but idrk any (hehe)

That is weird… (assuming we are talking about the platform you are on, not that it matters, both the platform and the obby walls are the same.)

But no you are correct they are doing some strange clipping, I thought just sticking the same colour onto all of them would fix the issue to be honest :sweat_smile:

It’s probably due to me making the asset when I didint know my favourite plugin existed yet (Btools F3x). Not something I’ll fix for this game but this will serve as a good reminder for next time, Thank you L:

Actually, now that I rethink this, wouldnt it be easy to solve this by making the top part into a single mesh? Then theres nothing to clip on as it is one object… I’ll have to try it out tommorow!

OH WOW. Yeah I just tried play with my graphics all the way down, thats pretty bad ;-;
I always play on high so I dont really notice stuff like that…

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yea, the issue doesn’t seem to happen on graphics lv 10 (idk about 9 or 8, but I believe even if it happens, it’d be barely noticeable)

Making it into a mesh only works if you remove the extra vertices via blender or something from my experiences though, although making it into a union might also work

  1. The intro looks quite bland, you could move the percentage text up here so that the text is always readable and make it a little more bigger, another alternative way is to make the bar bigger. You can choose either one. You can add other stuff in the loading screen, make is shorter too since a lot of people’s retention span is short and they may just leave quickly.

  2. The GUI seems to take up 1/3 of the whole screen in mobile. You can also you the rescale plugin so that the GUI looks the same in all of the screens

  3. You can Tween your GUIs to make them out of nowhere, etc. As I mentioned earlier, the GUI is a little wacky on mobile.

  4. The background looks a little boring, you can move the mountains in the background in the X direction to give more variety and you can add trees and other things in the background

  5. You used too much wrap-arounds, from easy gameplay to this. The transition wasn’t executed very well. Make the difficulty progressively harder and harder. It didn’t really fit well

  6. I for some reason get teleported here after dying some times.

  7. A lot of Z-fightings / Z-clippings.

Additional tip:
You could also make the game R6 since the game’s theme is very simplistic and a R15 avatar wouldn’t really fit into the theme of the game but that’s just another tip coming from a person that has played a lot of obbies before.

I can’t really give any more feedback on the game since I have been stuck in the wrap arounds for quite a bit.


Mesh worked just fine ^.^

I knew meshes were the best idea when it comes to building this simplistic esque game but I got lazy to be honest… (even with the knowledge of all the fps benefits and blah blah blah


Dont take it from me, But i did add a sneaky little path for you mobile players :slight_smile:

I just forgot to put it in the original post. heres a image of the path un-tranpsarented

Same thing here for example

With this knowledge you can experience the rest now L:
(Those are the only 2 paths though, well actually there is one inside the factory on the nails too, I think the rest is doable on mobile tbh, except maybe the first one on the factory - that might take a couple go’s)

And as to the GUI, I mentioned in a earlier reply that I just do not know how to code. xD
Never have, never will. I did try to make the GUI bearable for mobile, but the settings frame was just annoying me for too long so I gave up. (the loading screen is just as bland for the same reason, its ripped from the toolbox just changed a lil bit, but I did make it faster as your right, however the % was being stupid and wouldnt work so I got rid of it)

The same logic goes for the random teleport after dying. Not a pro scripter, just a dude trying things out for now :slight_smile: (though you can be my scripter for free anyday of the week I wont mind :p)

And yeah in hindsight it gets hard really fast. Problem for future me if I decide to remaster the game :smiley: as this game was just made to check how good I am at making games on Roblox Studio