Feedback of my New Logo for my Group

:sparkles: Feedback of my New Logo for my Group :sparkles:

:sparkles: Group :sparkles: thezem1x's Clothing - Roblox

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There’s a whole lot of particles, and the text is a bit small, and won’t be very easy to read when it is the size of a roblox icon. The font also doesn’t fit too well in my opinion.

Other than that, the lighting is pretty nice and it’s fairly aesthetically appealing.

Overall: Not bad, it isn’t bad, but it isn’t perfect either


This new logo for your group looks good! Nice job on it!


Having the camera at a dynamic position will definitely improve the icon. Also, try to make the avatars fit most of the picture. The poses seem rigid and unnatural, as well as the lighting. Looking forward to see how you progress!

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