Feedback of my new UI kit

Preview only, this is just some of the components


Screenshot of the preview

Please give me feedback on my new UI kit which is material design based

Hi there! Fellow Devforum'ers!

I am currently creating a new UI kit which is material design-based and I need some feedback from all of you about the UI kit.

Please check out the kit by playing the game at this link: and then reply back if you have any opinions on this.

Thank you!


Looks great so far! I don’t have much feedback, considering you only have four elements made so far. However, if you’re planning on making this a showcase, I recommend showing different options of each element, so buyers/users can see what it’ll look like at different ratios, sizes, scales, colors, etc. Good luck!

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Woah!Looks great and modern,What are you using it for or What’s it supposed to do?

It is a UI kit, I am planning to sell it, or opensource it.

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Have a animation when the notification is done. Have shorter time when notificatrion is displayed.

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I love the modern look of it, out of curiosity how does the notification work? It seems to stay up depending on how long you hold down the ActionName button? That aside it looks really good. I love the animations and the color scheme.

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When the event MouseButton1Down is fired, the function for displaying notification will be fired and the notification will be cloned and deleted after 4s

From the pic I can already tell it looks great, especially (i think its a loading icon) the loading icon! We need more publicly displayed/for sale UI kits. :slight_smile: