I was making a setting GUI for a future game of some sort. I know it is not complete, but please give me all the feedback you can.
Thank You
Also this is my first post so expect me to be more active in the future
I was making a setting GUI for a future game of some sort. I know it is not complete, but please give me all the feedback you can.
This is nice, but it seems that it would get obnoxious having some random gui on your screen.
Maybe make it a bit more into the side.
Also you can round it with a UICorner
, and maybe add an icon
Thanks for the feedback, but does it not appear rounded to you?
Is there a way I can make it appear more rounded?
The image I use
Ah, I meant the button the open the gui, sorry to be brief.
Those are rounded too…
That’s my bad though because I’m not very good at making those things.
It looks all good besides it is a little big, I suggest maybe making the GUI transparent and a little bit smaller so it is not all in the way. Hope this helps!