Feedback on 20 minute game!

I made this game in (maybe a little over) 20 minutes to get better at scripting. Basically it’s a maze where you have to turn on all the power boxes in 120 seconds to win. Yes, has been tested and you can win. Feedback appreciated!

1/10 20 minute games completed. 19 to go :slight_smile:

No this is not those minute put together games with a donation board to get easy money.



Well, it’s pretty good for 20min.

I would suggest using ProximityPrompts instead of ClickDetectors because they’re easier to interact with, especially for having a time limit.

Thanks! I’ll hit the books on proximity prompts.

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Added ProximityPrompts to replace ClickDetectors.

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Nice game idea and great for having it done within 20 minutes. What I think could make it even better would be to have a UI which shows how many you have left to pull.

Thanks, great idea! Will add it soon.

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When I lose, it just says you lose

maybe it can kick you?

Not sure how to do that. Great suggestion though!