Feedback on 3D uniform system for a military group

So about 2 weeks ago, my team and I started to create a new uniform system for military groups. The system allows groups to use 3 dimensional uniforms instead of clothing published to roblox.

Over the years roblox has been a thing since 2007 (13 Years) people have created groups that range from Clothing designers, to cafe’s and even MILSIM styled groups. One thing roblox has done is allowed for people to create clothing for their groups such as Formal uniforms or Service Dress, or even Combat Uniforms. Those uniforms can be detailed to the max but, not always detailed enough.

My Team and I have created the idea to make a 3 Dimensional Uniform. The Uniform will be as close to realistic uniforms as you can get with roblox. Think of this; You walk into your house, go to your room and go to your closet in roblox. When you walk up to your room it would pop up with a GUI like this:

When clicking on either of the three it would open up a new window like this:

The Photo’s above are just examples the actual GUI will look more aesthetically pleasing

Each thing depending on what is is will have a different function, each Uniform being 3D will be different for each branch, Each medal depending on the country will be 3D, Each type of Rank will be 3D depending on its branch will depend on how it looks, were not just going to use photographs to make it everything is 3D, the GUI will also be designed to look better, each button having a photo to depict what it is.

This brings a whole new aspect to roblox MILSIM groups, and will bring many more members to those groups starting up.

Have a wonderful day. :slight_smile:

  • PapaBigGunz

So I created some new reference GUI photo’s not finished at all, still needs a lot of detail.


So uh, I’m guessing you want feedback on the UI? The use is very bland, no colors at all except the background, I suggest adding someone color to make it livid.

Feedback on the Idea and the general aspect of its use, the GUI is just a reference.

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As well, so for the first page of the GUI you have the 3 styles of Uniforms, each button will have Photographs of the Uniform to give examples, and each buttons photo will be on a slideshow. Now and the same thing goes for the second photo, each branch will have their picture on the button, the rank will have a picture of the ranks etc. Its just a reference and the start of a strong idea in my mind.

Looks great. For the boxes I’d add the text to the bottom, and display an image of the uniform.

I would recommend using the same meshes as much as you can and changing the texture on them.

Thats the plan! We want to use as much of the same materials so we can get it done faster but some parts of the uniforms will have the be from scratch/brand new.

I updated the GUI photo’s but like it reads above, not completely done yet.