Feedback on a Border In a Military game

The main border of a Military role-play game I am working on. I aim to make this game have a different feel and approach when you play it than other casual border role-play games. Let me know what you think about what I can add.


Those dots on the barriers look odd and the road has a weird turn in the middle. Apart from that it looks really nice : )


Those dots are meant to be bullet holes, lol! And yeah, I noticed that the turn might look odd to others; I will for sure fix that, and thank you!


Nice build, I like the small details like the bullet holes in the barriers. I have another small suggestion for that if you want to implement it:

Since bullet holes usually leave a dent in the surface it strikes, you should create some dents in the barricades by negating spheres into it.

Here’s an example:

To create it do this:

  1. Make some different sized sphere’s and negate them
  2. Add a darker layer behind the wall for more detail, and then union it all
  3. Make some more sphere’s and put their material as metal; position them into the wall sideways etc to make them look lodged

Have a good day :slight_smile: :+1:

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I completely agree with you; I feel it would give it a better feel if the barriers did have dents; unfortunately, I made those barriers in blender, I will see what I can try in blender to make those dents, and I will for sure add new barriers I can make from studio and implied what you taught me! Thanks again for the advice, man.

Hi there have worked on numerous border games before, firstly I would like to say that the aesthetic of the map is fantastic and you have done a really good job.

My first point of issue would be that if you intend to let people pass the border you should make it far more clear where they are supposed to line up e.g. (more barriers on the sides). This also discourages overtaking and helps people queue in a more organised way which improves the gameplay experience for everyone.

My second point would be that those small barriers can easily be jumped over, it’s good to let people break the rules on the border but there are far too many low barriers which means people have plenty of opportunities to be incredibly disruptive and if people think it is easy to get past the border they are far less likely to wait in line.

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Very true. Now that I think of it, if regular citizens were to interact with the border for the first time, they would probably not know where to go, explained in your first point. And going on to your second point, that would probably be most likely, if someone saw that the border could be very quick to enter, they would not even think about lining up and waiting for clearance, so I will for sure work on that! Thanks for the feedback; I appreciate it.

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