Feed back on this character I am working on?
(Some animations and sounds not finished)
That looks really cool! Is that a garden warfare remake?
pretty cool but oh my gosh that camera angle looks painful.
Wow, that is really nice. Only thing which stood out was the leaves on the arm stems looked a bit static, they don’t seem to move at all, unlike the feet leaves which ripple when moving.
Wow! The character looks very good! All the animations are also good! Nice job on recreating Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare on Roblox! I’d really want to play a finished game like it when it would come out on Roblox!
It is going to be a fusion of the best of both garden warfare games! TY for the kind words.
Yeah I was going to try animating them, but it didn’t look right. I’ll definitely try again later, thanks for pointing that out.
It feels fine in the game for me at least ,but whenever I release this I will change it if there are complaints. The camera angle is based off a real game so thats why its like that, but thank you for the feedback.
Thank you! If you are interested, the first public play test session will most likely be this month, or next month. You can contact me for more info if you would like.