Feedback on a commissioned Church

Hey Developers,

Around one month-ago’ish I was commissioned by a special someone to build a church for them, as it is currently entering It’s final stages, I would like to ask for some feedback for it.

Here are a few things I need opinions on:

  • Performance/Lagging

→ Does the game run smoothly for you, if not, where does it lag and how could I possibly prevent it?

  • Suggestions on what else to add

→ This includes decoration and ideas for the given rooms.

  • Suggestions on what to improve & A general opinion on the place itself.

Note that it is still WIP and not entirely finished, this is why some rooms are still empty.

Here is the place: church commission - Roblox


PS: Do not mind the brighter chairs (As the color is subject to change)


Overall, the game is amazing! I like the detail put into it but there is one slight thing the seat on the left has a different color the other is Light Grey and the other is Black color. Another thing when joining the game It took like 10 seconds to everything to load even though I am running in a not so great laptop. After loading in everything was running smoothly. No lag and No Lag spikes.


Hi, do you mind joining the game once more and pressing F9, then tell me how much memory the place is using for you?

Please state me whether you’re on max graphics or not as well

I joined with the lowest Graphics due to my Computer not able to handle max graphics. I did try to turn up the graphics but it was to laggy. When turning them all the way down everything went back to normal.

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So well made!
The performance on my PC is pretty bad on max graphics.
I’m having around 15-20 FPS on max and 220-300 FPS on lowest. (Roblox FPSUnlocker)

The performance is the worst at the church itself.
I’d recommend you use less lighting so it’ll lag less.
I’ve used ReShade to try and decrease the lighting a minute ago and the FPS got boosted by about 10-15 FPS, so make sure to change the lighting.

I currently wouldn’t recommend you add anything new because it would decrease performance even more, I do recommend you fix the performance first and then move over to add new things.

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This is really, really helpful as the place is supposed to be mobile compatible so thank you evry much for that.

As far as I know, the more light you use with future lighting technology on, the laggier it will get, especially when CastShadow(s) is on, so I’ll try to reduce this issue as soon as I can.

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May I ask why there are lockers in a church?

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It’s a rather modern church and on the left section/wing of the church is a meeting/preparation room

There’s serving as decor-purposes only, unless there will be group clothing in the future, which will make those lockers somewhat useful.

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Hi @Bluelock20 and @kpmanaiden,

I have updated the game, optimizing it by disabling CastShadows on every part, leaving it on future lighting.

May you two come join and test for performance again on full graphics if possible?

Sorry for not seeing the message but I still tried turning them on max graphics but on the third one I started to lag. This might be because of my laptop not being able to handle Max Graphics for me It’s only playable if I play on the most lowest Graphics on my Laptop.

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Amazing build! Nothing to change at all, nice textures were used. May I ask, how much are your commissions and where can I view them?

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Hi there,

Thanks for the nice comments again.

My commissions don’t have a set price, it really depends on the level of detail, quality, size, number of assets, complexity, etc.

This commission was 75k in R$, the fee was covered.

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UPDATE: 06/08/2021 - 07/08/2021

  • Improved performance issues (Still looking for feedback regarding this!)
    → Removed a huge amount of excessive point- and spotlights

  • Removed the piano scripts.