Feedback on a Drawing of my Avatar

I drew a picture of my Rolbox avatar on FireAlpaca. Let me know what you think!


Nice! Only thing i would say is to start adding some shading to really make it pop, and adventure out into some dynamic poses, looks great!

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I shaded it, but you can’t really see it due to the quality of the image. Nothing that I can really do about that, sorry!

I’ll work on the dynamic poses though, that’s for sure!


Looks pretty nice. My only issue is image


I saved it as a PNG, and layers don’t save when I do save it like that. I agree the lineart needs to be fixed though. On FireAlpaca, if you save your image as a PNG, clipping goes out of the window, and that’s what I use to shade the skin.

I’ll work on the lineart and saving in different formats, because PNG is my go-to.


It is nice! Have you made it on pc or in real?

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I use PC for most of my art, including this one.

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Okay, thank you! Giving heart!

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i use firealpaca too, make sure to save a copy in firealpacas format aswell as exporting incase you wanna make alterations, also, you’re working on a drawing tablet i presume? (if not jeez mouse art is hard) but if you are, enable pressure sensitivity too for shading

If this happens to be your first drawing of a character (or, heck, even your first drawing in general), then good job, truly! I’d suggest practicing balance and consistency in anatomy, that way weird aspects like polarizing arm or leg sizes aren’t an issue (just some common examples I see).
I’m also noticing that the character tilts slightly off to one side. I don’t use FireAlpaca, but I assume being able to flip the image is an option in the program. If so, I’d suggest flipping the work on occasion to see if the posture actually looks natural when flipped, and then drawing from there. Oftentimes you get used to how a character looks posed as it is then, but find it absolutely jarring when you flip it around and recognize all the inconsistencies like I normally do when I draw.

Edit: Saying good job if this is your first drawing sounds like a back-handed compliment in hindsight. Honestly, good work anyways, even if this isn’t your first time. Drawing is legitimately a hard skill to achieve.


i dont LOVE it i like it you have potential you jsut arent there yet keep on practicing

I use firealpaca and I have never had a problem with clipping on PNG images, maybe try updating?

I think it looks great, much better than I could ever do.

To make it more realistic, could you make subtle gradients? That might make things look better

i’m going to be honest, i don’t really like it. the hands are little squiggles and you can barely see the fingers on the right hand. if you look at human anatomy, hands go down to at least the middle of your thighs, not waist. the legs and shoes are different sizes as well.