Feedback on a Find the Button game

Hello, recently I have released a new project titled Find the Button. I know it sounds generic, but me and my friends tried to create an unique experience, which is world based and has expansive levels, hopefully attracting players.

The point is that we would be very grateful for any feedback you might have. Opinions/Problems/Suggestions. We appreciate any response.

Heres the game link:
[[🧱] Find The Button - Roblox]
([🧱] Find The Button - Roblox)

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i think you could improve the tutorial by instead of having it as click to continue, you ask the player to do the tasks and then continue on, so like if you want the player to go to the starting world for example, then you can highlight the portal or have an arrow that tells the player where to go.
also, in the tutorial, maybe make the player find the button themselves, instead of showing them where it is.
also, maybe add a button that lets you return to the lobby

aside from that, i think the game is very well made!