Hey! Welcome to my post again! I have made this fountain specifically for simulators. But you can use it anywhere. I would like some feedback on it! It took me 1 hour to make. Please, share your opinions and feel free to use the fountain! Please credit me though! (Optional)
Looks good, but some of the holes are further apart, and some are touching eachother. Making the avatar on top the same concrete material as the fountain will make it blend in more.
I like the fountain, although it looks like there’s a lot of particles at the top of the fountain. There’s a plugin on ROBLOX that generates waterfalls, maybe you could use those for your fountain? But all and all, I’d say it’s a pretty good fountain!
i’ve converted the video for you all, it’s a bit laggy
It’s way too bright, and doesn’t look like it would work properly, with that large statue there.
It looks like his foot is covering the hole where the water comes out.
I like it a lot honestly, I really like the neon! if anything I would try to scale it down possibly. Tall fountains do look quite weird in game sometimes but other than that amazing job!! <3