Feedback on a game I made in 1 hour

Can anyone provide opinions on the game I made in an hour? I simply need feedback to assess my performance under pressure and with little time.

If so, I greatly appreciate it since I am attempting to improve my scripting and building skills for a very large project I am working on.

Gratitude for reading Given that this is my first post and I doubt many people will see it, I genuinely appreciate it.

Game Link: The Rake but it's actually scary - Roblox

  • Awesome.
  • Great.
  • Average.
  • Below Average.
  • Bad.

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The camera is very polished for being made in an hour, and it feels satisfying to just run around a bunch. Pretty good if you ask me

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It’s pretty good, but the Rake has problems coming out

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The rake used to come out every time, but I messed something up with the box he’s in and couldn’t fix it in time.

Thanks a lot! Camera movement is one negative aspect. I failed to make it move seamlessly.

I fixed the rake not being able to exit the cage or box