Feedback on a game I made in a few hours

I made a really quick game to test what I could do. Give me some feedback! Thanks!!

It’s called chat to get bigger

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for a game that was made in a few hours, it works well. some of my thoughts:

  • be sure to fix the map borders. In the corners of the map, some border parts go off to make an “x,” or just simply float in the void
  • the chest in spawn doesn’t work to my knowledge.
  • when i spawned in, i immediately started falling/tripping due to my character height. not sure how to combat this besides changing the minimum height for a person.
  • i’d add more decoration or variety in the spawn area, the trees are nice but its a bit bland. the brush tool plugin can really help with this, while also rotating them and changing their size while being placed in different directions so that they don’t all face the same area.
  • add more things to do while people play the game, there’s nothing to do besides spamming chat
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Thanks for your feedback! Yes the chest isn’t working at the current moment and I’m working on it and I’ll add some things to do! Thank you very much for your time.

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Pretty good, Just get the chest working and a couple more things and it would be really cool.
I like how you made the text go on screen when chatted.

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Managed to fix the chest! it works now

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