Feedback on a game I made

Ive recently been working on a game, where for some reason you can blow up a house. Its been a real challenge, and so now i was wanting some feedback on it! :slight_smile:




And then, we have…
Check out the gameplay video here (waiting for video to process lol)
I really hope you like this game that ive made, but please give your honest opinion! :slight_smile:

Theres also some features in the game that i didnt showcase, such as
a replay system
and other of the such.


This is the default house recolored.


That’s totally challenging man. Totally like you didn’t just recolor the roof.

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Yes its not like im admitting i made the house clearly its the default.

I think the overall idea for this game is a great idea. It could be used as a great stress reliever! Although I would use a different look for the house. I would try making it from scratch! But this is still great as it is!

Thanks! The house i used for now is just a placeholder because im bad at building.


He is evolving, just backwards.


ps, It is a good game concept. I like destruction games but yeah you should try and model the house from scratch.

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Its free model, i saw this house in several games. My tip watch youtube tutorial or speed builds it helped me a lot. :wink:

Yes, it is a free model. And thanks for the advice!

I must say the video is funny. Imagine having a bunch of cameras setup around the house and filming it combust in thin air seems surreal.

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