Feedback on a Game Idea I have

Hey everyone. I have a game/group idea that I really want to start creating. However, I would like feedback from the community.

Have you seen groups such as SizzleBurger, Starblox, BloxtonHotels, and groups similar like that? I have a concept in where I create a group/game aimed towards aviation, where people can train/buy ranks for things such as Captain, Cabin Crew, or Ground Crew. You can get promoted by being in game, and earning 1 point per minute, or you can buy ranks to level up quickly.

I want to create a fun place for kids to just get together, host flights, work together, and have fun overall. At the same time, I want to generate a reasonable amount of revenue and get enough publicity to get the group going. I want the group/game to also become self running, where I only have to worry about development, and nothing else.

The group will be having one main airport game, where people can host flights, or work as a low rank. It is also where non staff members can be passengers, and enjoy the hosted flights. There will be an application center where there is a quiz that is auto-graded. If you pass the quiz, then you will be ranked to trainee, and must attend training to be promoted. There will also be a training center, where the HRS/MRS will be training the trainees for their ranks.

I’m currently an airline owner in ro aviation, with 3,000+ group members, and 1,000+ discord members. I really want to try something new, and generate a reasonable amount of revenue at the same time. I’m close to the stage where I’m going to college, so I really want to do something that will affect me in a positive way.

Here are a few pictures so that people can grasp the type of idea I’m aiming at.


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What do you all think? Do you think it’s a good idea, and do you think it’s worth it?

Please let me know.

I don’t really know, it seems kind of similar to all the others. You could get popular using ads though. Maybe try adding more unique features?

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Yeah, I’m planning on running around 50,000 robux in ads. Do you think that would be enough to jump start the game and ensure constant growth?

Depends on how you use it. I don’t have any prior experience with ads though, so I can’t guide you there.

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Alrighty. Thank you so much for responding!

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If your game is focused on flying planes and having people work together as pilot and copilot, now that’s a unique concept I like to see.

Maybe you will have to add bots to the list of passengers because if you rely on real players the planes will feel empty.

I feel it has potential if done well.

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Thank you!

And absolutely. We will be adding bots so that the airport and aircraft will have a more realistic feeling for the flights.

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I find that about 0.25% of people who see your ad click on it. So basically about 1 in 400 people you market to will be interested in your ad. I only do 100 Robux and get about 7000 ads on average but I’m not sure if that’s a normal rate and I don’t know if bidding more gives more results. I would keep in mind that clicking on the ad still doesn’t guarantee somebody wanting to play your games and join your group. I can’t say the ratio of people who join because that definitely changes from group to group or game to game.

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Yeah. I honestly do feel like I’m taking a big risk since honestly the only way to launch this game is to advertise it. But, I do think it’s worth a try. Hopefully the amount of robux I saved up that’s allocated for ads will be enough.

I think it’s a great idea, however it’s going to be hard to exectute. Moderation in aviation games is lacking, it’s hard to stop people from violating your rules in such a large map. I suggest you get a large moderation/admin team that will be able to be in-game most of the day.

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Before buying the ads I strongly recommend having it reviewed and making sure every element is done right. This includes group thumbnails and game icons for which I recommend hiring a GFX artist. You’re paying $500 (USD) and that should be respected.

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Yeah, I totally agree with that. I’ve seen many games with concepts similar to that, and it’s just a complete mess. I hope I game won’t be suffering that issue, and I will try and make sure that I have a good foundation with the moderation team.

I thought the same too. I will make sure every aspect of the game will be going through vigorous testing. Running ads and then finding out that there’s a major bug would suck a lot.

Is anyone experienced with ads have any tips on how to jump-start the game?

(Like how much I should spend on ads, how much I should spend each day, how to make an ad appealing, etc)

For everyone who responded to this post months ago and gave me suggestions, thank you so much for your feedback.

I’ve launched the group last Saturday, and we nearly have 3,000 group members. We also made 100,000+ robux in less than a week. Everyone here who took the time to respond really gave me a lot of motivation.

Thank you!!!

Sounds like a good idea to me!

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