Feedback on a Game idea

Hello fellow Developers! I have a game idea and I would like feedback on it!
Here it is!


Basically, the first time the player joins they would start off with around 4000 Coins.

These coins would be spent to buy a trading boat the player would use to trade around a Archipelago and its factions.

Players can join these factions and act like border guards, or they can patrol the seas keeping order when they level up enough.

Players can buy bags of Certain items and sell them to NPCs to gain money.

The money that players gain can be used to buy bigger ships for what ever usage.


The game would have Enemy Bandit ships, players can either run away or buy a ship with cannons to defend them selves

Ships would have chests for storage of Items like bags of cargo, and if a ship sinks the cargo would be destroyed

This idea is just a thought but, there can be Animals that can ravage Player ships (Ex Dragons and Sea Monsters) these Creatures can be killed but much better to run away from
this would add more tension when sailing the Archipelago as you could lose all your Cargo because a Dragon spewed some fire at your ship

That’s Pretty much it, Please send feed back on things I should add and remove
Thanks for Stoppin’ By! - Veilstrife

  • This game might reach a small player count per day (50-150)
  • This game might reach a moderate player count per day (150-500)
  • This game might reach a Higher than Usual player count per day (500-800)
  • This game might reach a High player count per day (800+)

0 voters

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Interesting game idea, but I also think it would depend on the UI and how the game presents itself to users.

Probably should add a tutorial if you do decide to work on this idea.


What is the overall goal for the player?

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Hello Veilstrife! Your game idea sounds absolutely captivating! The concept of trading around an Archipelago and engaging with factions adds a rich layer of depth to the gameplay. I love how players can join factions and take on various roles, such as border guards or sea patrollers, allowing for different playstyles and strategies.

The inclusion of a currency system, where players start with coins and can buy trading boats, adds a sense of progression and economic decision-making. It’s great to see that players can buy and sell bags of certain items to NPCs for profit, providing opportunities for strategic trading and resource management.

The addition of enemy bandit ships and the option to defend oneself with cannons adds an exciting element of danger and player-versus-environment encounters. The inclusion of ship storage chests adds a practical touch, allowing players to manage their cargo effectively and consider the risk of losing it if their ship sinks.

The idea of introducing formidable creatures like dragons and sea monsters to the Archipelago creates an extra layer of thrill and tension. It adds an unpredictable element to the gameplay and encourages players to strategize and decide whether to face these creatures head-on or flee to protect their cargo.

Overall, your game idea seems well thought out and promising. I would suggest considering implementing a progression system where players can unlock and purchase bigger ships as they accumulate wealth and experience. Additionally, adding diverse environments and unique trading opportunities within the Archipelago could further enhance the player’s sense of exploration and discovery.

Thank you for sharing your exciting game idea with us, and I can’t wait to see how it evolves! If you have any specific questions or need further feedback, feel free to ask. Best of luck with the development process!

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Pretty much just buy better and larger ships so they can continue trading through out the Archipelago and gain a lot of money

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