So my college has been giving us activities lately and one of them is related to me making a game because of the track I’m getting for the future. I wanted to show off a bit of the skills I have and what I don’t really have. Regardless I want to hear from other developers, does this game really show different skill aspects of a being a developer? My professors have high standards for the students and I don’t know if my game showcase can say that I am up to it.
Alisa is stuck in the Backrooms again. - Roblox
- Just crank the graphics to at least 6 to see the lighting aspect of the game
The game isn’t complete and I don’t really feel like it’s worth finishing or if I should just do something else for the academic activity. Though I do enjoy making what I love and I put hard work into what I do and I think that’s enough to make anyone moved. I need to make sure that I make a good first impression to my proff.