Feedback on a GFX I made

So, I made a GFX and i need some feedback :smiley: Thank you!


Amazing job, this is an epic gfx. Keep up the good work! I do feel like it is a bit bright is some places.

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The GFX looks amazing, I would lower the brightness on the left leg.

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the picture look like itโ€™s moving i canโ€™t tell though so itโ€™s hurting my brain to look at it

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Its Cool. It Really Looks Vibey. Thats Good!

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looks nice! keep up the great work

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Great work!! U can improve on editing a bit :slight_smile:

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What can I improve on the editing? :smiley: Thank you for your reply btw!

U can reduce the Brightness and adjust some tone and Contrast.

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Alright! i will look into it with my next GFX Thank you!

Looks really decently good! Its just lacking the brightness because its kinda darker than the dark blue colour that blends in with the background colour. I suggest you brighten it up a little bit, as what @Manwire06 have said.

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alrighty! I will try that in my next one. Thank you for your feedback!

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I like this GFX! Looks like nothing really needs to change. Although I would add a watermark to prevent it from being stolen.

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