Feedback on a GFX Icon

Hey! :wave:

I recently made this as a Commission for someone, thought would be nice to get some feedback, comment below if you got some!


I really like it that is a straight 10 out of 10 compared to the GFX i have made that is super impressive! Keep up the good work

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I think it looks great! You did a really good job on it :+1:


Honestly that looks really good! One thing is that I would replace the pumpkins with a drawn pumpkin because that would make it look kinda cartoony. 8.5/10 :slight_smile: .


Thank you! True, that could fit the whole vibe of the Icon better!


Yeah thoo dude can you judge this icon i madeimage

why pumpkins why not apples?
and can you give him :eyes:

Wow, this is a really good GFX did you use blender to make all of it?
And how long have you been making GFX because this is outstanding!

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Thank you!! I used blender for the Render it self, and photoshop for everything else.
I haven’t been making GFX for too long, Maybe a year with making a render once in a while

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I use blender and photoshop to make GFX projects

Pumpkins because that’s what the guy asked for and it’s spooky season, :sweat_smile:
his character was made like that, to not see the eyes!

its ok because the shadows are wonky the clothes are pixelated (especially the shirt) the posing should be so that you can’t see most of the legs or else it kind of looks weird, the leg posing is kind of weird the shirt isn’t great, you can’t see the eyes, but the posing is pretty ok. the details and noise and lighting in the background don’t carry onto the render so it makes it look kind of wonky. good job.

The shadows i can agree on you with, the shirt was already like that, there was nothing i could do about it, it’s just the actual texture, I had a reference to go off so that’s why the pose is like that, but it’s still a decent point, i need to improve to posing on it, again the shirt isn’t my decision haha, it’s what i was given, the customers avatar was made so you can’t see the eyes, that’s why you can’t see them, otherwise i would of made them visible, good point, i need to make the render and the background blend a bit more, thanks for the feedback.

I absolutely love the theme you have with it! The colors all mix together beautifully and it’s such a pure design. Amazing work!

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Awesome!! I spent quite a while trying to find anything I disliked about it to be quite honest.

The only thing I’m not the biggest fan of is the flat jack-o’-lantern picture used throughout it.
Would have looked a lot better if they were in 3D but it still looks fine to me

Great work!

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Yeah, I agree with you fully on that, a 3D one would of looked so much nicer! Thank you for the feedback!

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