Feedback on a GLOCK-17

I recently figured out how to color and texture my models in Blender. I was wondering if I could get some feedback on my Glock-17. Thanks!


Nice job. I’d recommend you right click and hit shade smooth then go to object data > normals > auto smooth to make the handle and some of the other curves a little prettier.

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Im not much of a Glock-17 expert, not even much of a gun expert in general but I dont think the length of that glock should be that long


I agree. select the barrel side of the glock and move it back a bit.
other than that though, It looks great!
good coloring and sleek design.

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Thank you everyone for the feedback! :hugs:

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Here’s the result on the shorter barrel suggestionimage


Looks great bro. I would recommend using the boolean modifier to make the front barrel hole. you can watch a YT video about the modifier and you would learn it in no time. great job tho

The barrel still need’s to be a little shorter.

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look good?


yes, very much better It looks like the real one now

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all though you should copy the barrel on this picture:

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i was kinda just going for it i was doing it from memory.

I think the grip looks a bit too high poly compared to the rest of the gun. Other than that, it looks amazing.

This gives me Yusuf from GTA IV vibes, haha. Good job man maybe smooth shading would help some and some extra bevel on the end of the gun. You should also maybe use a blueprint for something like this, but I realize there are poly limits and time constraints for everything so still, respect +.

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mmmm Splendid!

Nice Work Haha!

Make This Work Pls

Looks good, just the barrel is a bit long as if it is a deagle of some kind, to look more like a glock maybe shorten the barrel length.

It looks a little long to be a glock, looks like it has a silencer on it. Great job though!

even smaller!!


YESS exactlyyy dude lookin fireee

thanks im currently making a SCAR-H