Feedback on a hopefully 'creepy' type clown GFX

Hello everyone!
I’m wondering what’s something that I can improve on/ something I did well on the positioning of this ‘clown girl’ GFX. Your responses would mean a lot! \

(I know I haven’t put a lot of background detail, I just want to know how I did the positioning.)

Thank you so much!


It’s off-center. The sword does not have to be in the middle, but the clown should be. And also, the sword looks too long.


Pretty good, but it is kinda pixelated in some areas around the person.

But pretty cool


Yeah, I tried to portray the image that she’s leaning on her sword while holding it at that weird angle.
Thank you though!

Thank you!
Yeah I’ll try and work on that!


The posing captures the creepy clown mood well.

The hands appear to be handing the sword to someone, as opposed to menacingly holding it and stroking the blade. Depending on whether that’s what you want, you may want to change it by flipping the left hand.

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That was the look that I was going for, and I couldn’t find out what was wrong!
Thank you so much for pointing that out!

The positioning looks good already, but if you’re wanting a more “creepy” kind of look you should remove the sword, and have something else put in her hands like for example a popsicle or nothing creepy designs normally have a character standing in dark areas looking at a character from a far point of view.

If you’re wanting to keep the item in her hand try to make it look like she is holding it and not clipping through her hands. From the start, try including a background image and see how the positioning will look in a creepy background with additional details, the posing looks natural it’s just the sword doesn’t fit the character at all include something that fits the horror creepy theme.

It’s a good attempt include details and see how it’ll look. :grinning:


Try some dark ambience/ the light can go from falled flashlight and the background can be abandoned circus, that would look a bit scary

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Add a dark playground in the background that would be cool and terrifying

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I think the knees are a bit off, and both hands should be on the handle of the sword, as if this were real it would be sharp! Overall, good work keep it up!

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It’s just a generic GFX and really bland. The lighting is bad, you can see some pixels, the character isn’t even clear, the background is bad.

For the positioning, it’s also bad and the hat on the character looks like it’s fixed on the head.

Noted some mistakes in the :clown_face: GFX:

  1. The sword’s position was a bit off-center like @ToonShader said. Should be ideal if the sword is not really placed on the photo center shot.
  2. The position of the clown’s neck looks like she wasn’t a humanoid type. Kinda scares me how it looks like she’s breaking her neck by herself.
  3. The sword’s handle overlapped the left-hand rig part (if seen from 1st person) and it looks she was not holding the sword at all.
  4. The position of your thighs and foot doesn’t really match in it, the position is rotated and might have not been bent for some time.

Solutions in your GFX mistakes:

  1. You might choose the angle of your sword more comfortable for the rig to handle, not just by holding it in the handle and blade. You might do holding both in the handle.
  2. You can also move the humanoid head so it will be more daunting to the people who see it, not just rotating.
  3. Try to balance the position of the sword so there’s no problem with the overlapping and the “too much” of the gap of holding that specific item.
  4. You can try rotating the upper legs too, not just lower, so it can appall players on how scary your GFX is.

Sorry if I offended you but I’m just explaining what things you might have missed in it, but keep up the good work :yum:

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Perhaps give the clown a knife rather than a sword to decrease the footprint? Assuming you don’t need to have a sword in the GFX ofc.

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Don’t use R15. It looks clunky. Also use blender for posing, and rendering of you haven’t already. Use better lighting too.

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It looks quite decant. The only thing I would do is add some dark type background as well to give it more spooky vibe.

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Thank you! The popsicle is actually a great idea!!
Thank you for your feedback!

Yeah, I guess the lightings too bright. I’ll reduce it add a darker theme!
Thank you for your feedback!

Yeah, I guess it does; I’m still trying to work out blender too!
Thank you for your feedback!

Yeah, I do agree, the sword kinda was a little bit too much!
Thank you for your feedback!