Feedback on a Jailbreak thumbnail I made recently

Hey Developers!

Recently, I made a thumbnail for Jailbreak as a fan art. I’d love your feedback about it and if I want to sell thumbnails of this type, how much do you think should be the amount of robux? Also, feel free to tell me anything!

And also, this is a remake of “Inside the Heist” thumbnail by @.OceanGFX.

The Thumbnail

Check out my portfolio here: 0BluExactlyz | GFX Designer | OPEN

Thank you for using your valuable time on reading this! Any feedback is appreciated!


It’s good.
The Lighting is fine

Sees Buur carrying box
Gives 10/10

How did you find a post 2 years old…

Seriously man… this is from 2020-

Hello! :wave: :smile:

Since the Thumbnail looks like they are doing an epic heist,
I think you should make it more cinematic and darker. :movie_camera:

(for reference, look how there is a cinematic look to it and there’s some fov but not a whole lot?)

The shadows could also definitely be more dark and serious because it almost looks like they are floating.

Also, you should make it focus on the main event that is happening which is the heist by using a little bit of fov and making the background more dark but not by a whole lot. (!REMEMBER! not too much fov because it will look really weird)

Lastly, you should add some particles like dust by using a photo editor! I will link my most favorite free one. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I really don’t know, I found it in my feed.
I didn’t realize it was so old before I posted