A Endless futuristic line runner game that I made in 20 minutes.
Any feedback would be nice. Also tell me if you would like a proper futuristic line runner.
The game:
A Endless futuristic line runner game that I made in 20 minutes.
Any feedback would be nice. Also tell me if you would like a proper futuristic line runner.
The game:
Its like the default line runner roblox gives you, changes you’ve made look good, but still, I’ve seen parts where blocks disappear while playing and not off-screen probably because of size or position, anyways, you could improve it, yeah, because honestly it looks sort of the same as the default with small changes. Try adding new obstacles, or change the already existing ones to fit more with the city theme.
will do, any obstacle suggestions you want me to add?
There is an invisible zombie in the tunnel.
I cannot get a higher score than 1801 because the zombie keeps killing me.
You could replace the look of the default spikes, as new things add police barriers, maybe lasers, there area ton of things you could do honestly, anyways looks good!
XD I don’t know how that happened
I jumped over its head so now I got a new high score, make sure to either remove the zombie or lighten the tunnel.
sure thing, was planning on making the tunnel lighter