Feedback on a Main Menu

Hello there!

I’m yougaming_yt! I made a Main Menu for my game and would need any criticism/suggestions on how to improve it. :happy1:

Here it is:

Thank you!


Looks really clean! Good job! :partying_face:

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I like it but maybe delete the quit option becouse you want to keep your players as long as you can in your game and they can anyways quit with the normal Roblox game menu.

I disagree. The quit button actually looks pretty good and reminds me of console games where they have a “go to console menu” button. Nobody is going to play the game less because they have the option to leave using the H key instead of leaving using the Roblox menu.


I disagree. In my opinion, the button should be removed, because the player might get distracted from the game reading the text on the button and then think of leaving the game making it more likely for the player to leave. The leave button is distracting and that’s why it should be removed :slight_smile:

Actually, this button is a kind of easter egg which will launch an animation when the player presses “H”. :slightly_smiling_face:

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UI looks clean, I like it. Only thing I’d say is maybe move the buttons and the logo a bit more aligned towards the left, like have those bits of the UI move over a bit more in terms of positioning.

Also, instead of having a big frame under the text “Press ‘H’ to Leave”, resize the frame to just a little more than the text’s frame (so kinda like this:


Obviously, dont make the thing as big, I just had my pic taken zoomed in

That looks pretty good tho, good job m8

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9/10 i think its really good :slight_smile: